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Meet the OSA Coaches! They are talented and have that infectious passion for the game! 

Meet Our Team

We help players improve

Our mission is
to inspire players that if you Believe in it® and back that up with hard work,
anything in life is possible.

"OSA Coaches are like role models!
Our players learn so fast by how they coach; simple and relatable!" 


Stephen Beatty

Former college player and OSA Coach

View Stephen’s profile for his Story + Fun Facts

Jared Montz

Former pro, national champion, OSA Coach and Founder

View Jared's profile for his Story + Videos

Cole Schultz

Photo on 11-12-20 at 4.17 PM.jpg

Lindsey Laman


I help our team coach more and admin less so they can focus on helping our players improve.


Jen Smith

Scheduling + Customer Service

I happily help our players, parents and coaches get the answers they need so they can focus on the fun part of soccer.